
Dell releases more high-end Ubuntu Linux laptops

What's the difference between open and closed bead sheet pans? And aluminum or stainless?

Restaurant cookware vs consumer cookware for entire kitchen?

Surprise Mexican tariffs hurt China agreement chances: 'How can you trust Trump to honor a deal?'

Children who suffer sexual abuse are significantly less likely to report it if it is being perpetrated in a religious institution, according to a major UK analysis of survivors’ experiences.

Warhammer: Chaosbane IGN Review

Ada - Kickstarter Trailer

How much Google contractors say they get paid compared to full-time employees - We use Glassdoor data to take a look at the opaque world of Google contractor treatment and pay.

Defeated by the Spanish flan

DOJ preparing antitrust probe of Google - Dow Jones

Substitutions for soaked almonds?

Beef wellington fell apart when slicing

Can't pick a knife

Bug Fables Switch/PS4 Trailer - Paper Mario Inspired RPG

Substitutes for parmasean?

Subway and other restaurant chains charged some minimum wage foreign workers $12,000 in cash for jobs that would set them up as permanent residents in Canada

How do I thaw sushi-grade frozen tuna and salmon quickly?

Leftover bones/fat, best ways to use them?

One in five members of the UK House of Lords are working as consultants or advisers to private businesses at the same time as serving in parliament, the Guardian can reveal.

Canadian Hospitals Report No Spike In Cannabis Related Health Issues Since Legalization - PuffAdvisor

Mortal Kombat 11: Shang Tsung Reveal Trailer

Got a tech question or want to discuss tech? Weekly /r/Technology Tech Support / General Discussion Thread

Why add water to candy when you need to boil it back out anyways?

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has made it clear that the US won't get special treatment in a trade deal with Japan. He says Japan isn't willing to provide better access to its agricultural markets than it offered to other countries in the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Puffins found starving to death in mass die-off likely linked to climate change, study suggests

Exxon rejects shareholder resolution that would have forced it to have a climate change plan - BP and Royal Dutch Shell have publicly acknowledged that their business has to evolve, but Exxon hasn't

Cubans will be able to get Wi-Fi in their homes for the first time, relaxing yet more restrictions in one of the most disconnected countries in the world. The measure announced by state media provides a legal status to thousands of Cubans who created homemade digital networks with smuggled equipment

Revealed: women's fertility app is funded by anti-abortion campaigners The Femm app has users in the US, EU and Africa and sows doubt over the safety of birth control, a Guardian investigation has found

New Zealand government to prioritize 'well-being' over economic growth in national budget

South African president names his cabinet, decreasing it's size and also making it 50/50 male/female

Wikipedia accuses The North Face of 'defacing public property' with photo swaps after ad agency boasted they made the brand "first on Google without paying anything for it"

Unexpected asteroid just missed Earth, closer than the Moon (0.85 lunar distance)

Australia increases minimum wage by 3 per cent to $19.49/hour

Let's Be Clear, Says Mexico Environment Minister, 'Parasitic and Predatory Neoliberalism' to Blame for Climate Crisis

Australia’s New Envoy for the Great Barrier Reef Says it Doesn’t Need Saving: Warren Entsch, an advocate for the Adani-Carmichael coalmine, is of the opinion that "we don't need to save the reef."

Canadian life expectancy has stopped rising because of the opioid crisis: Statistics Canada

Trump says US will impose 5% tariff on all Mexican imports from June 10

Japan sets target of 20% cut in industrial food waste by 2030 | The Japan Times

The world needs topsoil to grow 95% of its food – but it's rapidly disappearing

China ready to hit back at U.S. with rare earths: newspapers - President Xi Jinping’s visit to a rare earths plant last week had sparked speculation that China would use its dominant position as an exporter of rare earths to the United States as leverage in the trade war.

The oil industry is watching the progress of a Chinese supertanker that is loaded with Iranian crude, potentially in violation of U.S. sanctions

The owner of an independent chain of Winnipeg grocery stores is calling on the Manitoba government to scrap a provincial law after he was slapped with a $10,000 fine for opening on Good Friday

Only 9 percent of the world’s plastic scrap gets recycled..

Taiwan military drills simulate Chinese invasion - Thousands of air, sea, and land troops took part in the exercises across the entire island. The drills took place amidst what Taiwan says is increasing military intimidation from China.

Applause for New Zealand 'Wellbeing Budget' That Dedicates Billions to Mental Health Care and Ending Child Poverty: "Hopefully, other nations can follow suit and make similar contributions to enhanced living standards."

North Korea envoy executed over failed Trump-Kim summit

PlayStation's Death Stranding Twitch stream appears to be unveiled according to visitor numbers

Avengers Project Worldwide reveal June 10th at 6pm PT

Sonic Mania and Borderlands: The Handsome Collection are your PS Plus games for June

Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines 2 - Final Clan Reveal: Malkavian


Halo Master Chief Collection Development Update- May 2019

Total War: Three Kingdoms sold a million copies in a week

PlayStation Taiwan leak: Death Stranding coming Nov 8

Outer Wilds - Review Thread

Call of Duty 2019 reveal May 30th at 10am PT

Reference to “Great Rune”, From Software’s rumored next project, found in Sekiro game files

Anthem Update on 1.2.0 launches today with a Cataclysm Livestream and Public Test Server coming soon.

Malkavians confirmed for Bloodlines 2: we talked to Brian Mitsoda on the new clan reveal

Yakuza series general director on Ichiban Kasuga game: 'The story is finished and in recording'; PS5 comments

Worlds Adrift to shut down in July 2019

This 'Mario Maker' Level Has Been Played 2.6 Million Times and Never Beaten

New NFS game coming out this year.

Artificial life sims and genetic evolution games/ games with emergent agent based behavior

Iron Maiden Files $2 Million Trademark Lawsuit Over ‘Ion Maiden’ Video Game

Destiny's Influence on Witchfire - The Astronauts Blog

It Lurks Below by David Brevik is officially out of early access.

After almost 2 years, Free & Open Source game Endless Sky receives a huge update!

Dead by Daylight | Ghost Face - Trailer

Masala Chai

Chevron executive is secretly pushing anti-electric car effort in Arizona

Amazon removes books promoting dangerous bleach ‘cures’ for autism and other conditions

Mark Zuckerberg May Face Contempt Charge After Ignoring Subpoena

IBM Sells Face Recognition Surveillance to a Dictatorship

IEEE bans Huawei Scientists reviewing papers

Google Maps adds ability to see speed limits and speed traps in 40+ countries

Google still plans to kill Chrome's existing adblock APIs

Japan bombed an asteroid and now it's preparing to collect the debris

Government Prosecutor Caught Sending Emails With Tracking Software To Reporters And Defense Attorneys

Google bans marijuana delivery companies from selling weed directly through their apps

Cuba legalizes private Wi-Fi networks in bid to boost connectivity

Renewable Energy Costs Take Another Tumble, Making Fossil Fuels Look More Expensive Than Ever

FCC Cuts Bogus Data From Yearly Broadband Report, Acts Like Nothing Happened

U.S. Wants T-Mobile to Create New Competitor as Part of Deal

North Face tried to scam Wikipedia to get its products to the top of Google search

Google "Brain Implants" Could Make Learning Obsolete in 20 Years, Says AI Expert: We could have implants in our heads that automatically download all knowledge into our brains.

A Terrible Patent Bill is On the Way

America's tech giants are fighting to change California's new privacy law

Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg to face leadership vote

'We're Not Being Paranoid': U.S. Warns Of Spy Dangers Of Chinese-Made Drones

Hundreds of Thousands of ‘Pirate’ Sites Disappear Following Takedown Notices

42 Million Dating App Records Exposed Online, Leaking User IP Addresses and Location Data

“We believe the internet can be better,” Mozilla to the International Grand Committee

DIY Facial Recognition for Porn Is a Dystopian Disaster - Someone is making dubious claims to have built a program for detecting faces in porn and cross-referencing against social media, with 100,000 identified so far.

Does anyone know of a simple downloadable cookbook templet?

How to flavor couscous?

I just read an article saying Italians don’t use as much garlic and onions as we think they do. If so, how would I make an authentic, fresh Italian tomato sauce?

Keeping hollandaise warm?

Best non-dairy substitute for butter in frosting?

Shredding cheese for NY style pizza? Fine or course or does it matter?

Goya's Pasta de Achiote--same as achiote paste/powder?

wholemeal roti and naan

Slow cooker BBQ pulled pork - Ideal time for 7 pound pork shoulder?

What does more egg do to pasta?

Is oyster sauce supposed to be spicy?

How to shuck enormous giant pacific oysters?

Do I really need espresso salt or can I just use coarse sea salt?

Sugar Cookies w/ Royal Icing

Reverse Searing for a party

Left stainless steel pot on the stove way too long, anything harmful to worry about?

Blakeslee B20 Mixer Help

Alcohol in an Instapot or Crockpot

different methods of brining for fried chicken (dry brining vs. wet brine)

Cedar planks oh mah jebus

Scaling Recipes

How does buffalo compare to beef?

Is High Quality Software Worth the Cost?

Should Chatbots Replace Forms On Mobile?

The Best Plastic Cutting Boards

Our Favorite Gifts for Father’s Day

Boris Johnson must go on trial for 'lying and misleading' in Brexit campaign, judge orders

Mueller Announces Resignation From Justice Department, Saying Investigation Is Complete

Trudeau 'disappointed' by 'backsliding' on abortion rights in U.S. | CBC News

Teenager burned to death: Possible death penalty for all 16 charged

Israel heads to new election: The Knesset voted Wednesday night to dissolve itself after PM Netanyahu failed to form a governing coalition, sending Israel to a new election mere seven weeks after the last one.

World Health Organisation’s recognition of traditional Chinese medicine ‘could push species into extinction’ - Failure to condemn use of animal parts in traditional remedies ‘egregiously negligent and irresponsible’, wildlife groups say

Schwarzenegger teams up with activist Greta Thunberg at climate summit. Greta: “They have gotten away with stealing our future and selling it for profit.” Schwarzenegger: “If we fail to act it is their future at stake, not ours.”

John Bolton says Iran is 'almost certainly' behind oil tanker 'attacks': US President Trump's national security adviser did not provide evidence but claimed Iran was behind attacks on oil tankers in the Persian Gulf. Tehran called the accusation "laughable"

Deadly Japan heatwave 'essentially impossible' without global warming

Brussels is moving to break up the team that negotiated Theresa May‘s Brexit deal, in the most concrete sign yet that the EU has absolutely no intention of re-opening talks on the treaty.

Myanmar Soldiers Jailed For Rohingya Village Killings Serve Less Than a Year: The seven soldiers served less jail time than two Reuters reporters who uncovered the killings.

Electricity generated by onshore wind and solar photovoltaic technologies will in the next year be consistently cheaper than from any fossil fuel source, a report showed on Wednesday, boosting the case for energy sources that don’t emit carbon.

U.S. Says Russia Likely Conducting Low-Yield Nuke Tests, Defying Test Ban Treaty

Four people accused of poaching threatened Bengal tigers were shot dead by Bangladesh police on Wednesday during a gunfight in a mangrove forest, officials said.

On a Pacific island, a nuclear dome left behind by the US begins to crack and is leaking its poison into the surrounding environment

800 million people at risk as climate breakdown causes Asia's vast glaciers to shrink - 'It could cause people to migrate and if you can’t migrate, it might cause conflict as people will need to fight with their neighbours for food'

Sixteen people have been charged in Bangladesh over the shocking murder of a teenager who was burned to death after reporting sexual harassment

Scotland publishes second independence referendum bill | UK news

Netherlands first country to completely ban the Hells Angels, calling it a "global organization where violence is very systemic and very common"

British supermarkets have admitted that they could be selling olive oil produced in a way which kills millions of songbirds every year, as they promise to investigate their sourcing.

US Department of Energy rebrands fossil fuels as 'molecules of freedom'

Investigators are using so-called "McMafia" laws to force the owner of three London properties worth £80m to explain the source of their wealth. The National Crime Agency confirmed it is investigating whether the prime location properties, held by offshore companies, were paid for with dirty money.

Huawei reviewing ties with FedEx after two packers were 'diverted to America' - FedEx diverted two parcels sent from Japan and addressed to its offices in China, instead sending them to the US, and attempted to divert two more packages sent from Vietnam to offices elsewhere in Asia.

The wife of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has reached a plea bargain with prosecutors over accusations she used state funds to fraudulently pay for hundreds of meals, media reports said. Sara Netanyahu had been charged with fraud and breach of trust

Otter Instagram craze in Japan and Indonesia drives surge in deadly poaching, threatening species' survival - Cafes with the animals and vogue for buying them as pets drives growth of Facebook trading groups and illegal trafficking gangs

Pokémon GO will soon use sleep data to “reward good sleep habits”

GM and Bechtel plan to build thousands of electric car charging stations across the US

Canadian lawmakers fume after Facebook's Zuckerberg snubs invitation

19 Cucumber Recipes to Keep Cool With All Summer

‘Anthem’ Is About To Get Through All Of May Without Its Cataclysm, Or Even Mentioning It

Cadence Of Hyrule Releasing This Week on May 30th, According To Nintendo store's source code

Former Rockstar Designer Says Former Top Executive Groped Him

Spyro Reignited Trilogy coming to PC with help from Iron Galaxy, who also worked on Crash Trilogy for PC

Journey will arrive on PC next week

Pokémon Sleep, a new app is coming in 2020

Kingdom Come: Deliverance Patch Notes 1.9

Call of Duty Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram pages gone dark