Sugar Cookies w/ Royal Icing

Hi All!

I'm baking some sugar cookies for an event this weekend. I don't have tons of time in my evenings so baking and decorating in the same night seems a little daunting and I can't make them the day of the party. I was wondering if I could bake the cookies (roughly 2-3 dozen) on Thursday night, decorate with royal icing on Friday night, and serve them at a party on Saturday.

My concern is that the cookies will dry out and be hard by Saturday. I'm spreading this out because I'm new to decorating and by the time I get the cookies baked and cooled, it will be too late in the evening to frost them properly so I want a few days to decorate. Is this schedule ok or should I really try to do it all in one night?

Thank you!

submitted by /u/satansniece22
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