Reference to “Great Rune”, From Software’s rumored next project, found in Sekiro game files

Fromsoft game modder TKGP just found a reference to project code name GR, rumored to be Great Rune, in one of Sekiro’s data files:

This is a screenshot of one of the game’s unused test materials, which determine the look of in game models. From typically includes the full path to where the original asset is located on their share drive, and the blue highlighted path includes the code name of the project they are working on. For example, bloodborne was SPRJ, DS3 was FDP, and sekiro was NTC. This material accidentally references an asset located in the GR project directory, which was a leaked code name for the rumored “Great Rune” project.

This find gives strong evidence to the following:

1) GR or Great Rune exists as a project

2) it is being built on From’s internal game engine instead of Unreal Engine 4 like some rumors suggested (the path and the map name “m99” refers to a debug map id in from’s game engine)

submitted by /u/Katalash
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