Cookie dippers

I want to make cookies that I can serve with a "dipping sauce". Ideally, they will be long and relatively thin, but will also be fairly firm so they don't crumble. They might be stored for a bit before serving, and I want to ensure minimal breakage when I put them away and then take them out and serve them.

I would be fine with rolling out sheets and cutting them, or rolling them out as ropes and baking them like that. (Possibly they could even be piped, but I don't know how a piped cookie would be strong enough.)

Shortbread fingers occurred to me, but they are probably too crumbly. Biscotti would be perfect in terms of being strong enough, and about the right size and shape, but they are way too hard to eat as they are.

The dipping sauce will be something served cold, possibly a homemade butterscotch or fruit preserve.

If anyone can provide some guidelines as to how I can make cookies like this, please let me know.

submitted by /u/russ_nightlife
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