Am I getting the most out of this mushroom bouillon recipe I hacked?

I adapted a recipe I found on the Townsends youtube channel for mushroom ketchup to make a mushroom bouillon that I have been using regularly for around a year now. I dont have any formal training with cooking, but have learned everything I have from youtube channels and reading this or that and figuring it out as I go. Part of what makes this recipe work for me is that I can make a fair amount with minimal work, though I figure you guys would have advice, feedback, criticism and whatever else that I could use to tell me if I am wasting time or could achieve the same thing easier.

Its more of a process than an exact recipe. I buy mushrooms in bulk, this recent batch was 120 oz and wash/clean them then process in a food processor and mix with a generous amount of salt. It all sits in an 8 quart pot for around a day (this I am sure isn't entirely necessary since I process it to a fine dice) and is a hold over from the Townsends recipe. Then I cook it out on the stove for an hour or two, strain out the solids and squeeze the excess liquid through a kitchen towel and bring that back to the leftover fluid and then continue to reduce. Ill add bloomed gelatin around then, and reduce enough for it to make a thickened sauce from the gelatin.

Then I strain one more time through my finest mesh and cool rapidly, fridge it, and once it has gellified from the gelatin I will vacuum pack portions out for use in sauces and, well, just about anything. It brings a strong Umami kick and a ton of mushroom flavor.

I would just cook with mushrooms more often but a few members of the family have issues with the texture but they love the flavor. Thats another story and a long one, but not pertinent to the question here.

Its heavily salted from the initial process to pull moisture out of the mushrooms and I never need to add more. Which is fine, I am using it as bouillon anyway, usually along with some heavily reduced homemade chicken stock I do as well. But what do you guys think? Am I missing something key here?

Ill add herbs and such if I am feeling creative or like experimenting. This time I put 4oz of fresh thyme in with the mushrooms. Ill know tomorrow if that was way overkill lol.

submitted by /u/Sacripain
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