Thoughts on White Mold?

Hi all! This might seem like a dumb question, but do you consider white mold (the type that grows from high moisture) dangerous?

My mom always told us growing up that it wasn't dangerous and it could just be removed before consuming something. I haven't noticed any negative effects from doing this, even when removing it from soft foods. Hairy tofu also seems to have this type of mold, but it might be different since that is more of a controlled process.

However, I was looking up information on it recently and a lot of articles said it is the start of more dangerous molds, and should be tossed out immediately.

I'm mainly asking this question because I bought fish cakes from my local asian market and it has dots of white mold on it. I don't really want to toss it out, so would I be fine if I just ate the parts without white mold, or should I toss it out?

Again, sorry if this seems like a dumb question, I'm just curious. I don't have a weak immune system and obviously don't make a habit of consuming mold, so I shouldn't feel a lot of negative effects of possibly eating contaminated food. Thanks for any advice, even if it's to tell me I'm being an idiot! 😅

submitted by /u/Wrong-Fig8504
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