Finding food safe birch oil (for flavoring)

I'm trying to make semi-historically accurate US sarsaparilla, which historically used something called "birch oil" (to clarify: not I'm not interested in birch syrup). However, I'm having a very hard time finding birch oil that is meant to be ingested: I see a lot of essential oils that are "birch oil", but from what I understand, essentially oils are not meant to be ingested and have no guarantees of being food-safe.

The only place I could find birch oil that is clearly meant to be consumed is from a large scale manufacturer that I imagine wouldn't fill super tiny orders.

My question is this: does anyone know where I can get birch oil that is safe to consume? I know that birch oil contains some methyl salicylate, and am not bothered by that. If there are certain essential oil forms of birch oil that are safe to ingest (ie diluted with carbonated water to the point where it doesn't taste bad), I'm also fine with that. I'm also doing this for myself, and probably won't be drinking very much anyway.

submitted by /u/uberpro
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