Confit Potato Question w/Duck Fat

My question: Would duck fat burn or cause any issues with the flavor during the baking process at such a high heat as 450F? (I plan to fry them the next day at a much lower heat in beef tallow, just worried about the baking part)

The last time I made confit potatoes I used peanut oil for the mix as well as the frying. I mixed potatoes with peanut oil, seasoning, and potato flour and placed into a mini loaf pan. Then I baked them at 450F for about an hour, let them sit over night in the fridge while being pressed under weight. Next day I cut and fried them in peanut oil at about 360-375 for 15 mins until crispy and golden.

I know duck fat has a much lower smoke point than 450F and am concerned it will ruin the dish if I bake it as before. My wish is to mix the potatoes in duck fat, bake at 450F for about an hour, press them over night in fridge, then fry them the next day in beef tallow. Would the duck fat burn or cause any issues with the flavor during the baking process at such a high heat?

submitted by /u/igotnewsforyas
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