My pizza dough never comes out right - help me fix it

I use Beth's Homemade Pizza Dough recipe from BudgetBytes. The crust is always a bit dense, smaller than 14 inches, too thin in the center and too thick at the edge, uneven, and sometimes dry. How can I get my pizza dough to work? Some more info, if it helps:

-I live somewhere that is hot, humid, and around sea level.

- I don't have access to a scale or pizza stone. I use a round comal, AP flour, active dry yeast that I proof first, and a home oven.

- The dough ends up having way more flour than the recipe calls for. If I don't add it, the dough stays so wet that it doesn't form into a ball at all.

-Dough has never passed the windowpane test or look as smooth as the blog post.

- I let the dough proof in the fridge for 18 hours, leave it out for an hour, then begin shaping.

-Troubleshooting I've tried: using 1/2 cup of water instead of 3/4, kneading with a timer at different times (at least 15 but usually 20 and even 30+ minutes), parbaking the dough for 3 minutes, preheating the comal in the oven, autolyzing the dough for 30 minutes before kneading.

submitted by /u/LaLegende35
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