How can I sweeten water in a healthy way?

Hope my post is now specific enough for the mods.

They say you should drink 8 glasses of water a day. Well I drink zero. I can't remember the last time I drank water. HOWEVER, I do drink, a lot. Up to 190 oz (6 liters) worth to be exact. But all of it is in the form of sugary drinks (fruit juices, soda...etc). Really unhealthy.

I want to stop doing that and switch to water. But I just find drinking water to be such a chore. I don't enjoy drinking water. Even when I'm super thirsty, I can't get myself to grab the bottle of water, but rather I'd go for some sugary tea, soda...etc.

Is there any way to make water taste good without making it unhealthy? Taste good for me is sweet.

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/Kalesaidso
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