I thawed a vacuum sealed salmon in the sink at room temp for 2.5 hours--only now realized this is botulism risk. How can I save it?

I have a very large chunk of salmon, it's a slice of the whole fish. It was in the freezer for several months. I took it out a couple hours ago and let it thaw in the sink at room temp. It's been 2.5 hours and there are still some ice crystals on the fish, but the fish is still cold overall. I just learned to not do this because it causes botulism. I poked holes in the vacuum sealed bag and put it on top of some plastic wrap and put it in the fridge on the lowest setting.

Should I remove it from the vacuum sealed bag and wrap it in plastic and put it in a bowl to rest in the fridge for a few more hours? The middle of the fish is still frozen but the ends are cold and soft.

EDIT: I forgot to mention. Our power went out for 5 hours last night. The fish was in the freezer the whole time and when I got it from the freezer it was completely covered in ice crystals and surrounded by ice.

submitted by /u/battyeyed
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