Layering Fresh Mozza on Pizza

I've been cooking homemade pizza with a variety of toppings with a lot of delicious success.

I understand that the order of toppings is generally debatable, with high moisture toppings on top of the cheese and low moisture generally going below the cheese.

For today's pizza I bought fresh mozza. In addition to drying it out as best as I can, is there any advice for topping order? I have sun-dried tomatoes (that were in oil) and fresh spinach to add to this particular pizza. I would really like to avoid adding the fresh mozza part way through cooking as other sites and blog posts have suggested as this is for a family gathering and I'd like to focus on entertaining and not cooking. Do these particular toppings go on top or below the fresh mozza? What about other toppings when using fresh mozza?

Other discussions or tips for pizza toppings ordering also very welcome!

Thanks for any advice.

submitted by /u/TurquoiseNostalgia
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