How do I make slimy stewed okra?

I've totally struck out on googling this one or finding a recipe that looks like what I remember. It seems everyone else on the internet wants to de-slime their okra, so I find a hundred recipes for "how to make okra without that disgusting slime!" and I respect their choices but that's not helpful to me personally.

When I was a kid I used to love LOVE eating the slipperiest, goopiest okra known to man. I only knew the dish as "stewed okra" but unlike all the Google results for "stewed okra" I see now it didn't have any tomatoes in it (I don't remember seeing anything that wasn't okra or slime but I can't rule out that something like onions or garlic may have been present).

It's now been decades since the last time I ate those slimy alien pods and I would love to have them again. I've tried cooking okra a few times myself and they do get a little slimy but not the absolute slip-and-slide, melt in your mouth result that I remember from childhood.

Does anyone know a recipe for a non-tomato stewed okra? Or failing that, does anyone have advice on how to enhance okra's sliminess? Apologies to all dry-okra-enjoyers out there, you've had your fun.

submitted by /u/baobab_bites
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