Cooking rice on electric glass top stove

Hi guys. Every time I've tried to cook rice on my electric glass top stove, it never cooks all the way through. I'll fry it, bring the liquid to boil, season it, then put lid on and turn it to low and leave it for even upwards towards an hour not cracking the lid once, and even then it is still very liquidy and the rice is still hard, as if it needed like another 3 hours even.

I see recipes for rice cooking in 20 minutes and I always scoff at that, but I know I must be doing it wrong. I also think it might be my stove. My low setting is extremely low, almost a "keep warm (barely)" heat. Should I let the rice simmer at a higher heat? The recipes always say turn to low but since my low is ridiculously low, should I be leaving it at a higher heat? Thanks.

submitted by /u/andrealm721
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