Replacement pestle?

I recently received a beautiful marble mortar / wooden pestle set. I immediately made some ginger garlic paste for a recipe, and have since not been able to get rid of the (remarkably intense) garlic smell from the wooden pestle. I've tried everything (vinegar, baking soda, salt paste, baking soda paste, etc.), and have resigned myself to buying a replacement pestle. I was thinking I could keep the wooden one for garlic applications, and then get a second one for non-garlic applications.

So my questions are: 1) is there a good source for buying standalone pestles without having to buy a whole mortar; and 2) if I wanted to get a non-wooden pestle, what material should I get? Presumably marble would be fine - or are there different grades of marble strength? Would granite scratch the mortar?

submitted by /u/Accomplished_Goal809
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