Nom-Acid Coagulants for Clarified Milk Punch

I've been getting into making clarified milk punch and wondering if there are Nom-Acid ingredients I can use to curdle the milk to achieve the richness from the milk without the acid taste to the final product (hoping to make a Manhattan version especially)

I learned that there are some coagulants used in tofu making and was wondering if they'd work the same way for dairy milk. They are:

Magnesium Chloride Calcium Sulfate/Gypsum Magnesium Sulfate/Epsom Salts Glucono Delta-lactone

Any recommendations/precautions for trying these out? I'm especially interested, assuming it will actually work, on how much to use.

I know this is a cocktail recipe but this sub has lots of food scientists that I think would have good input so apologies for breaking from the usual form.

I'll try some out if I don't get any tips and report back.

submitted by /u/parsley_animal
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