Something that is similar to stir fry or fajitas, but in Italian cuisine?

I really like the content of stir fry and fajitas. Basically, it's just pan-fried/sauteed meat and vegetables. And depending on the dish, sometimes there's a decent amount of sauce that can soak into whatever sides I'm eating with it.

On the other hand, I really like the ingredients of Italian food. I love the spices, the types of vegetables used, etc. Almost everything I cook at home goes well with these flavors.

What are some good equivalents in Italian food? I get that I could just make spaghetti sauce with half of the tomatoes and use steak/chicken instead of ground beef/pork, and I can just roll my own dish. However, I was wondering if there are known dishes that do what I am trying to accomplish, as I'm sure other people are much better cooks than I am.

submitted by /u/coolnavigator
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