Trying to make my own flavor extracts. Advice needed.

I bake with grain-free flours and find that these types of ingredients (almond flour, coconut flour etc) tend to absorb flavors and sort of “lock them away” from one’s palate. I need to add a lot more spices and extracts to have any flavor come through. My recent forays into banana bread have lead to some pretty bland, low tasting breads despite having very ripe bananas. I’ve even tried roasting them in the oven for a bit to bring out some of the banana flavor but it hasn’t helped much, if at all.

Instead of buying it, I’d like to make some banana extract from scratch. I’ve watched videos on making vanilla extract and although the process seems kind of imprecise as everyone has a different opinion on how many pods to ounces of vodka, I was hoping there would be better guidance on making whole fruit extract. So here are a few questions -

  1. Is there a weight to vodka ratio in making a fruit extract?
  2. I’ve seen at least one YouTube-er use the banana peel. Will that really do anything?
  3. What about other things like cinnamon extract. Is there a weight to volume ratio for that?
  4. Is there a difference in vodka quality between glass and plastic bottles? Or do I just use the cheapest vodka available?
submitted by /u/rdev009
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