Panna cotta flavoring and stability

Hi, I've been having success making the panna cotta on this website, but would like to be able to be a bit more creative with it. I've made it as written, flavored with espresso powder, and with fruit compotes layered on top. However, I was wondering: would adding a liquid flavoring agent (ex. flavored lavender or ginger syrup, melted chocolate, flavored liquors) or a more solidish flavoring (fruit puree) would inhibit the setting of the panna cotta.? Or if there are specific flavoring agents to stay away from? I immediately think that pureed pineapple may cause a bit of an issue (maybe okay if the enzymes are denatured by roasting or something? Idk.), but I'm sure there are more things that may cause the cream not to set.

submitted by /u/Environmental-Bat604
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