Does lemon juice/zest cook raw eggs?

This is a really dumb question, sorry, but if I add lemon juice to raw eggs does it slightly cook them? I was making a lemon loaf cake today, I had a bowl of whisked eggs to which I added sugar, lemon juice and lemon zest, whisked it a bit, then I had to answer the phone so I left the bowl for about 5 mins and when I came back to whisk it the mixture had a sort of tough/thick, almost gel like consistency, sort of like how the yolks are in soft boiled eggs.

Now my loaf has come out completely flat, even in the oven it didn't rise a lot, but other times that I'd made this loaf it raised nicely.

I know it's a dumb question, I just got the idea from the fact which i know that lemon juice slightly cooks raw fish. Did my eggs cook slightly when I left them for 5min???

submitted by /u/Masketto
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