How to make chocolate cookies taste more... Chocolate-y?

Hi everyone!

I love baking cookies, and wanted to tried my hand at something a little more technical. So I tried my hand making chocolate pinwheel cookies, using this recipe as a basis. While they came out okay, I want to improve it and gets some ideas that y'all might have, as well as some thoughts on ideas I had to improve it.

One of the things I thought could affect it is the cocoa brand/the cocoa powder used. I used some leftover Breakfast Essential chocolate drink mix I had on-hand, and thought it was a rather weak flavor because of that. How much difference does the cocoa brand/powder maker differ? Is there any you may prefer?

Another alternative I was suggested was using chocolate syrup, as the rich flavor could highly affect it, and even color it. However, I felt skeptical as it was trading in a dry ingredient for a wet one, and was afraid it might mess with the make-up of the cookie. Though, that's all my under-educated theory, and would love to hear about anyone's thoughts on that.

Other than that, if there's any way than those above, I'd love to hear any way to improve the flavor. Thank you in advance!

submitted by /u/LanzDanceRevolution
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