Any tips / uncommon additions to switch up the standard pan sauce?

I've only recently started regularly making pan sauces after searing a protein. I'm enjoying them, but hoping to diversify my repertoire so it doesn't get monotonous.

Typically I sweat a shallot, sometimes with mushrooms, sometimes garlic, deglaze with dry white wine, reduce. Sometimes then add some stock (actually Better Than Bouillon; I've been meaning to get to the local bulk foods store to buy some unflavored gelatin to add to it) and reduce again. Then usually stir in some dijon, and finish either with butter or a little full fat Greek yogurt thinned with water (I don't keep cream, and this simulates it just fine in every application I've tried it in). Sometimes I'll add capers if the protein is seafood, and a squeeze of lime if I want it brighter after tasting for seasoning.

Any ideas to switch this up would be appreciated. Usually replacing the red wine with white makes it too heavy for me. Tonight's meat will be a veal shoulder steak, if that brings any flavor combinations to mind.

Also, for those who use cognac for pan sauces, is there a cheaper one than Martell, Courvousier, Henny, etc that you'd recommend? Can I just use a cheap brandy like E&J for close to the same results?

submitted by /u/morrisdayandthethyme
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