So I've made pasta before, but not for a couple of years.
I made some pasta yesterday, using 200g 00 flour and 2 eggs, and after kneading it rested it in the fridge for about 3 hours.
I divided it into 2 before rolling it in my machine. The first half would not stay together, no matter how many times i put it through on the widest setting. It was almost crumbling as it came out of the rollers with large cracks in the middle if the sheet. Eventually, I kneaded a bit of water in and after lots of passes it came together.
However the second half, which I didn't do anything to, rolled out properly straight away. It needed a few passes through, of course, but worked as you would expect.
So I'm confused. Did the dough just need to come to room temperature before I rolled it, or did the extra 30 mins rest make a difference, or is it something else?
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