What is the best way to run a murder mystery party? Discussion/debate/are you the murderer?

Me and my friends have had two murder mystery parties, one last year and one last night. There has been a lot of discussion on how to organize it in a fun simple way that maximizes the joys of paranoia and suspicion. I will explain everything we have figured out but want to know what y'all think is the most successful way to get away with murder...mystery..

So I'm and avid gamer and have done some research on this subject and I see three main ways to do it;

Clue style: Make cards for all characters weapons and/or rooms, shuffle in separate piles randomly place one of each card type in secret envelope. Deal out rest of cards to players and process of elimination ensues.

Mafia/Werewolf style: hand out envelopes that tell people their role. Murderer knows they are murderer. Players could have other abilities to help the game such as accomplice and detective.

Campaign/scripted: murder mysteries that are prewritten and setup from a dungeon master, online format or box set.

We are having an ongoing debate about clue vs mafia style which we ultimately do a mix of the two ie. Everyone gets an envelope of clues but the murderer's envelope tells them they are murderer. The murderer has the true evidence cards in their envelope.

The problem I see with this is that it defeats the process of elimination aspect of clue. In true clue the evidence cards aren't in rotation so one could actually derive the truth if they can see all the other cards. there are faster ways to get to the truth through intrigue but there is an ultimate and definitive answer to be found from the clues or lack thereof. When the murderer knows who they are and the evidence is in rotation then the game imho devolves into purely a mafia variant with little direction where the only way to figure it out is to figure out who is bluffing and try and see their weapon card. This has resulted in some questionable endings both worked out but it wasn't clean more like dirty sleuthing. But lots of fun and shenanigans otherwise.

Please help me figure out the ultimate open ended murder mystery format thank you!

Bonus: the greatest rule that we have come up with is that once somebody dies, by making a public accusation or being killed by the murderer in the mafia style, they turn into a ghost! We throw a bedsheet over them with eyeholes and they have to haunt one of the living players they are only allowed to whisper about the game with their hauntee and if your hauntee dies you have to haunt whoever they choose to haunt and become a ghost chain.

Obviously most drunk ghosts don't stay in line but it's a super fun joke punishment lemme know what ya think.

submitted by /u/BobbyBowie
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