Fried rice at home?

Fried rice junkie with a 0% success rate here. It's my culinary white whale.

I've tried the tricks, day old rice, fan-cooled rice hours ahead of time, different rices, different oils/butter, vegetable combinations. The rice just never comes out even resembling the same texture as restaurant-made. Sometimes soggy, sometimes sticky, sometimes mealy. At this point I can't tell which variables are affecting which issues. I'm a mess, really.

Any advice for a home cook searching for that perfect bowl? Specific recipe suggestions? General tips?

MAJOR CAVEAT: I live in an apartment with an electric range, so unless you've all got suggestions for a cheap and effective campfire range purchase, I'm unable to do it the "right" way, with a flame and a steel wok. Cast iron, nonstick, and stainless steel skillets are all I got.


submitted by /u/heliomega1
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