Two soy sauce Qs, possibly cursed

So I really heavily use soy sauce as a condiment and it's got a lot of comfort food connotations to me. I have a decent idea how to cook with it but in my experience when it's good for cooking it's not always what I want as a condiment.

Question 1: I get Kikkoman because it's the default, right? But I tend to like it better when it's been opened and then on my shelf for months and has gotten darker and a little thicker. Does this point to another style or brand that I should try?

Question 2: I love using like 5-6 packets of the W.Y. completely fake fakey fake stuff on a quart box of white rice. Is there something that's kind of like in that taste but isn't considered trash? Or should I just own up to liking fake soy sauce in that one situation?

submitted by /u/canttaketheshyfromme
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