After playing a lot of Gears 5 and looking back on Crowbcats recent Gears 5 comparison video I frankly think they purposely lied to viewers.

DISCLAIMER: I am not trying to be a fanboy and im not trying to defend certain bad practices in Gears 5 however I frankly think the Gears 5 video crowbcat did was full of absolute false information and misleads viewers. The one good point his video mentions is the gore differences between 2 and 5, and I agree the gore is kinda weaker. However, he does not even mention various other negative things like the Hammerburst in Gears of War 2+3 felt like a big dick energy assault rifle while in 5 its a dinky burst rifle that barely has any feeling to it. He also did not feature Gears of War 3 in his video when that had clear advantages over 2 but this leads back to the "color bad" theme the video had.

Various other technology arguments he made were either nitpicking or he willingly/unknowingly held back information to make his video look better. The environment destruction argument is frankly bullshit since he barely left the first missions in the game. Once you get to the act 2 Snow/Ice areas the map itself gives you many different ways to use the environment to your advantage. Unlike in 2 where at most all you had was partly destroyed cover and benches.


Character technology while certain parts of the video make points especially the sand bags leaking he does not show the technology 5 has for instance Tai a character with ear rings in 2 has them remain completely static while a character in 5 Kait has ear rings that move as she does. 5 has much more characters with moving parts to their armor designs as well as having actual flowing hair unlike 2s characters with buzz cuts/mohawks and females with short hair (the only female with longer hair showed up in 3 her name was Bernie however she was a white person with dreadlocks meaning they were still to scared to try animated long flowing hair)


The turret "feeling" segment was kinda useless when GoW 2s turrets only felt powerful since they heavily made your screen shake and had your controller rumble. It was a design choice to make the turrets feel more powerful than they really were. This was also a thing that started in Gears of war 3 since the developers realized it was annoying for players to experience. On top of that other things like the chain saw execution being more "gory" while true he did not show that the chain saw executions in 5 are a lot faster than in 2 and was probably done for gameplay reasons so players are not sitting ducks.


The section of the video that shows regular melee animations and kills Crowbcat showed 2 had special regular melee kills and then showed us 5s "weak" melee attacks. I discovered this late but apparently 5 actually has fucking melee combos if you press the melee 2 times then hold it a third time you stun enemies with your gun and then are able to execute them with a special animation.


What I think is the absolute most bullshit part of crowbcats video and is the reason of why I am making this post. The Lancer reload comparisons (and to be fair you do not realize this till latter in the game). Crowbcat showed that the Lancers in gears of war 2 had more moving parts to their reload animation compared to the ones in 5. However, this is due to the time line of the gears universe as a whole the lancers in 2 are Mk.2 while the ones in 5 are Mk.4. In gears of war 2 the lancers seem to have a magazine holder that detaches in reloading and holds the magazine in place when your load a new mag in. The lancer in 5 removes this feature and instead you see your character cocking a bolt after a reload. The kicker here is that the Mk. 2 lancers ARE IN THE GAME and they share the same reload as seen in Gears of war 1-3. Its just you do no find these lancers till later due to the fact you enter an old COG base that still had older Mk.2 lancers stored. On top of that it is not like the lancers in gears 5 have a lack of moving parts in fact shooting a lancer in gears 5 shows a moving circular part on the magazine unlike in 2 which remains completely static while shooting.


I know this is a lot harder to picture unlike a video but I frankly have a lack of video making knowledge, and fear my video would not get enough traction to take on a big dog like Crowbcat. However, I just wanted other people to know the stuff I have noticed and hopefully some of you guys have noticed other things too. I love the gears of war series as a whole and actually agree some forms of technology are not present in 5 compared to 2 or even 3 however Crowbcats video to me now just feels super scummy and lazy after I started to do some of my own digging.

submitted by /u/Asethicmyman
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