Need help replicating a recipe, relative with autism is very upset over discontinued soup.

A close family member of mine has been obsessed with a Lemon Chicken and Rice soup from Luna Grill for the past couple of years.

I have googled and googled and tried various recipes, but most just use a canned broth or stock, and the soup comes out too brownish and clear.

The broth is a fairly opaque yellow, I know for certain it contains some diced onion that are cooked in the broth long enough to be transparent and they dissolve on your tongue. I am pretty sure the rice in the soup is basmati.

The broth is on the salty side, but consistently so over multiple bowls, so I'm suspecting that given this is a ”fast casual” style restaurant it's not scratch made, but I could be wrong on that.

The chicken pieces themselves are white meat, and they have most of the lemon flavor. The outside of each piece is yellow, but when bit in half the yellow only coats the chicken. It's a similar yellow to scrambled eggs.

When chilled, a few little fat bubbles collect on the surface and they are more orange. I suspect there's egg yolk to give a richness, but I'm having a hell of a time finding a recipe close enough that my autistic relative can't tell it's different.

I have written the company, since the Texas stores are no longer serving the soup, but they were unwilling to share it since it's still served in their California stores.

The closest broth product I've found is Better than Bullion in chicken flavor, but there's a bit too much of the celery flavor.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, and for the person who gets the closest/correct recipe, I'll do a $100 Amazon gift card OR donate to the charity of your choice. (I hope that doesn't break any rules.)

submitted by /u/Rach5585
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