Is there a way to make donut or pastry glaze that is set but not hard and crunchy?

I recently went to winco, and I bought my fiances favorite pastry the cinnamon roll, and mine is the coffee cake. I took them home and we ate them like we always do with breakfast, and a cup of joe. Now I am an avid baker myself, I love to bake in the kitchen and experiment sometimes a little too much. When I tasted my coffee cake this time around it was different, the icing was different. It was soft but set...not hard and crunchy when exposed to air..Now I have gone to culinary school and I did graduate, but that was nearly 7 years ago. I hardly recall the pastry section. So I ask can anyone give me a recipe for a donut, or pastry, or scone that can be manipulated with flavor but set up soft and almost melt in your mouth...:/

submitted by /u/CuppyCakeSenpai
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