Egg Yolks vs Whole Eggs In Frangipane

Hello all! I’m trying to make a fresh fruit tart with a baked frangipane filling, topped with creme patissiere and berries. I have never made tarts with a frangipane filling before and this sort of tart doesn’t seem to be common, so I need some help.

I notice some recipes call for egg yolks only while some others call for whole eggs. What is the difference between the two? Is it the amount of rise the frangipane gets while being baked?

If I don’t want it to puff up too much since I’ll also be filling the tart with a pastry cream, should I then use the recipes that call for only egg yolks since egg white can leaven baked goods (although I don’t know if adding egg whites will make that much of a difference in the rise since the eggs are not really being whipped that much).

Thank you in advance for any help!

submitted by /u/ad_infinitum95
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